Monday, December 3, 2018

A is for Adventure

It is a very prevalent comment from people that change is often hard. You get told this as if this gives permission to complain or even try to resist the change. During the 90’s change management was actually a thing that you could sell to organisations ( think “who moved my cheese”) and was everywhere you turned. It predated the obsession in the 00’s with CRM and to resist it was to be branded “ not a team player “.

As you know my life has changed completely from what it used to be. During the last 3 years everything changed again as I moved from what was to what is now. This meant that I had to re find myself and then work out how I was going to see out my remaining days on our beautiful blue planet. I certainly was not going to do it alone and I am pleased that I have found a beautiful, confident, self-starter and like minded partner to set out and discover the last great adventure.

I use the word adventure as I decided that it was pointless to continue to try to do what I had previously set down as my plan. I discovered that as much as I tried - the map I had in my head could not be molded to the terrain - and as the Swiss army aphorism says “if the map and the terrain disagree, trust the terrain”.

So, we took all the bits of how we thought we could spend our days, mashed them together and came up with a new plan. The next part was to work out where.
Looking for somewhere to live and derive an income without being to far from travel options ( trains, planes and automobiles ) , had to be warm but not too hot, good rainfall, grow stuff well, have space for animals, somewhere for all the toys  (read garage) , space for the Minions, space for guests, a place for brewing the list went on and on but you get the picture on top of all was to be affordable of course – this had become a daunting task.

After a couple of miss starts (re – termite infestation, a flood plain and a hilly Christmas tree farm with 9'foot fences ) were overcome  - one contender became apparent - Coffs Harbour.
So circle back to the opening statement – we were now staring down the barrel of consolidating 3 houses, 5 boats, a garage full of absolutely vital, cannot live without stuff ( you never know when a used rusty 3” nail will come in handy !) and move it all 17 hours by road - north ! 


This is no ordinary run of the mill change – this is a complete life alteration!

But that is exactly what we’ve done.

Nothing left behind.

Armed with my 48 years of knowledge (or is it lack thereof ?) and a well-worn copy Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s River Cottage bible we will set out to do all the stuff I kept on saying I would do  “ one of these days “

Come with us on this journey – its gunna be a hoot !

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